Blue Rams


Fish Fanatic
Nov 24, 2012
Reaction score
Pennsylvania, USA
Do blue rams stay in bottom part of tank? Im about to get a new tank for them and im wondering if 20 long is just as good as a 29 for them or should i just get another 29
They are usually low-mid. My previous pair mainly stayed on the floor. 
Im about to get a pair today. I got black sand to bring out their color. I have aqueon flake, aqueon shrimp pellets, omega veggie rounds, hikari cichlid gold and african cichlid attack pellets along with frozen brine shrimp. Any advice on a good combo of those to feed them?

And will cories be ok in there with them?
I fed mine Spirulina and the odd treat of brine shrimp. 
I kept mine with cory's with no problems. But they are very territorial. Perhaps hold off on the Cory's for a little while until you figure out what sort of behavior your GBR's have. 
Wish I could keep these guys :( Don't know why but after a few months they always seem to pick up some kind of infection and die :( I have one male in my tank at the moment and since the female died his aggression has calmed down massively. He used to get a bit annoyed with my cories but I've never had much of a problem unless they were all ganging up on an algae wafer! Even then it was only  quick nudge to warn them and that was that.

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