Blue Rams Can Anyone Explain Please?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 23, 2012
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Can anyone briefly tell me what water conditions and tank mates Blue rams like?

I have an empty 90l to fill in a couple of weeks....they look beautiful!
Very soft, acidic water.

Tankmates could be corydoras sterbai and cardinal tetras. Rummynose tetras would also be suitable.
You forgot to mention the warmer water! They like temperatures in the high 20s C. The fish minnnt named will also be happy at that temp.
Ah - not for me then, I have hard water, alkaline and PH of 8. :sad:
Try asking in the old world cichlid section. I'm sure they will be able to suggest interesting and colourful african hard-water cichlids.
Try asking in the old world cichlid section. I'm sure they will be able to suggest interesting and colourful african hard-water cichlids.

They don't have to be colourful, implying Malawi or Tanganyika to a lesser extent... Some riverine West African cichlids will do fine in your water, I've had 3 broods of Steatocranus casuarius (Lionhead Cichlid) in similar water to you, while Kribensis will breed but produce mostly males. ;)
I have a 2 breeding pairs and a breeding f1 trio in waters of 7.6 ph , gh of 175ppm and a tds of 200ppm and keeping and breeding them isn't an issue in face all of mine breed in the same waters including wild pelvicachromis species, wild apistogrammas and even discus so yes you can keep them and even breed them in your waters without problems so go for it but if you do look more to wild. Caught rams which rare aquatics sell and post them as there a lot hardier than the tank breda as tbh there getting very weak these days from the amount they have been farm bred
Thanks for the info , peter. I was looking at red rams today and lfs shop said I would have no problems with them.....however I am not inclined to take their advice :crazy:

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