Blue ram decline

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Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2022
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Hi, my blue ram has lost all of its colour and is now swimming erratically, mostly vertical and going around in circles, water parameters ok and all other fish ok.
Any ideas? thanks
More data on your tank will help. Fish species, water parameters (GH, pH, temperature) and water conditions (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate). How long as the tank been running? Water changes?
Send pictures and videos. Dose with salt and increase temperature by 3 - 5 degrees. I'm not the best at diagnosing sick fish though. I would also suggest removing it and puting it in a seperate tank.
Hi, cannot dose with salt, and haven’t got another tank to put fish.
Cannot give exact water parameters, but they were tested today and fine, water change was done over 2 weeks ago. It was just a single blue ram in a tank with clown loaches, angels, 2 plecos and cherry barbs, they all look ok…
There is no point in subject ting the fish to the detriments of salt unless we know the issue and this is the best and safest treatment. People have killed more fish dumping in product after product.

What parameters were tested today?

temperature is important. From the tank mates mentioned can see several who would glady tear into this ram. Without the data requested none of us will be able to pin down something.
Hi, my blue ram has lost all of its colour and is now swimming erratically, mostly vertical and going around in circles, water parameters ok and all other fish ok.
Any ideas? thanks
Could you take a close look at your ram and see if there’s a small bump on its head or a slightly bulging eye? If you see any of those, chances are it will slowly fade away in a couple of days, no matter what treatment you apply (at this late stage).

Rams do not do well in a community tank. They don’t usually last more than 6 months in a community. They need warmer water than most tropical fish and are best kept in a species tank where they needs are met. We often heard stories that the problems are due to how they are raised in a fish farm (in the far east!), but if we can’t afford to give them what they need in our own tank then we can hardly blame the fish farm.
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Hi, cannot dose with salt, and haven’t got another tank to put fish.
Cannot give exact water parameters, but they were tested today and fine, water change was done over 2 weeks ago. It was just a single blue ram in a tank with clown loaches, angels, 2 plecos and cherry barbs, they all look ok…

We cannot see the fish or tank, or test the water ourselves, and you're not providing much info about the fish, tank or parameters. So how on earth do you expect anyone to know what's wrong? It would be pure guesswork.

If you want people to use their free time to try to help you with a problem, then try to make it easy on them by showing and telling what's happening...! If you copy paste the template below, test the water again, and fill out as much info as possible, then there's a much better chance someone will be able to figure out the problem.

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Tank size:
tank age:
tank temp:

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

Volume and Frequency of water changes:

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants:

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:

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