Blue Crayfish Questions


Apr 8, 2013
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Grande prairie Alberta
My LFS has some austrailian blue crayfish and instantly wanted one. My only real concern is that it will eat or harm my other fish. The cray fish right now are not very big and my tank is a 75gal. I should also note I am just doing research before I stock my tank so no fish inhabit the tank yet.

So my questions are

If I had adequate shelter/hiding places for the crayfish do you think it would harm other fish.

What fish do you think would be ok in with the crayfish?

And if not what other alternatives do I have besides pleco or catfish as a bottom dweller? I'd like something that is not as common.

Thanks guys
The first thing to realise about Australian crayfish (yabbies or crawtchies even Marron depending on the state you where raised in) is that they are escape artists. If there is a gap they can squeeze through they will. While small they may tolerate another crayfish with them but as they grow you are more likely to see one be dominate and the other bullied or even killed depending on the size of the tank. Two crayfish in a good sized tank is about all you would want to risk, while providing them with plenty of shelters. They will also dig their own holes if allowed to.
Any plants you have  in the tank you can pretty much expect to be eaten down to nothing. Most crayfish are predominately vegetarian, which is just as well because feeding meaty foods pollutes the water quickly, but are also omnivores, so will eat fish if given the chance.
I personally wouldn't risk any fish with crayfish, I have watched too many crayfish hunt sleeping fish and have a snack. Any fish that likes being in hollows or sleeping on the substrate will eventually be tasted by a crayfish. Especially at night when crayfish are generally more active. Even robust fish like Oscars are not companions to crayfish, since I have watched good sized Oscars dispatch many a crayfish.
Like their smaller cousins shrimp they do not tolerate ammonia in a tank and need an established tank with good filteration. They are also suspectable to other chemicals in the water and are good bio-indicators for healthy waterways.
Many shrimp will work with certain fish, it all depends on the fish kept and the shrimp species available to you. But shrimp are not strictly bottom dwelling creatures and will roam all over the tank.
I keep cherry shrimp with corydoras catfish, bristle nose catfish, Endlers, guppies, Blue eyes, threadfin rainbows, Khuli loaches, Pakastani loaches and dwarf chain loaches. Another of  my tanks has an even smaller species of native Australian shrimp being kept with just spotted blue eyes. While in yet another tank with some more Guppies and peppered corydoras I have more cherry shrimp and the much larger native Typus shrimp. Even when I had black neon tetras they barely made a dint in the shrimp populations, although the Sparkling Gouramis certainly had a good go at it. Some of my Siamese Fighters have also been shrimp safe while others have hunted and eaten the cherry shrimp without mercy.
Depending on the country your in will determine what possible shrimp you could have. Shrimp like Amano, African Basket and glass shrimp are good options. Especially the Basket shrimp if you can provide the right current for them to feed with their amazing net baskets.
I have heard of Micro crabs and I think there is an old thread on this site about them. They might be a good bottom dwelling option for your tank to if they are available to you.
Fish wise as bottom dwellers I love Khuli loaches even if they are very shy and retiring. A predatory option for a larger tank is the spiney eel they are amazing looking fish but again you are unlikely to see them.
Personally I hope to be getting some native fresh water crabs soon and I believe they would be closely related to the Asian Vampire Crabs. Unfortunately I don't really know much about the Vampire crabs, not even if they are fully aquatic but they might also prove to be an interesting tank addition. The only problems might be is that they are escape artists like crayfish and may also snack on fish. But generally I think they stay smaller than crayfish.
Alright, so I have decided to purchase a crayfish ( have not yet bought him ) and am currently in the process of cycling a tank to hold him in ( it is a 10gal bu I do have plans to buy a 20+ gal tank for him soon ). The crayfish is just under 1" at the moment so he has lots to grow into the 10 gal anyway.

Asides from my tank size, what are some tips you guys and gals can give me on successfully caring for a crayfish?
Hi I need help I got a blue crayfish I have had t for a month he has molted 2 times and now he's is acting like he's itching and then I found him on his side I moved him then he seemed fine I'm worried something is wrong
Check your water quality and do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine / chloramine before it gets added to the aquarium.

Don't use chemicals or medications in tanks with crayfish. If you have to use anything to treat them, use salt, But 99% of the time it is poor water quality and dirty gravel that causes problems to them.

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