a friend has given me a 12 gallon tank witha a 8" blue cray. Can it work what will i need. The tank has gravel a cave and a filterer and air pump. Will it be fine. Ive read that they live in cold water sometimes. It also it dosn't really have a lid, dust saran wrap taped on...... I've looked and can't find a corresponding hood.
sounds like you've got a "traditionally" kept Cray, there.
I'm assuming its a P. Alani, possibly P. Clarkii.
So, 12 gallons is fine! (even for a 8 inch adult!!!!!!!!!!!!)
as you surmise, they really need no heater.
but if that's how its been kept, just carry on there.
usually you would insist on a lid for cray.( Colditz would have been empty most of WW2, if soldiers were crayfish. lol)
so you need to get something. (cant help on what, as i dont know what tank you have.)
you may need to change the tank, just because of the lid, but there is no reason to just because of size.
"traditionally" speaking, you top off any water that's evaporated, but do no water changes.
just a once or twice a year total change.
but for me, 25% a week works fine.
they like clean water (biologically speaking) with a high O2 content.
so make sure the filter output is disturbing the surface.
the air stone is more for the cray to play with. and adds little, in the way of O2, to the tank.
it'll grow to, either 4-5 inches P. Alani, or 6-8 for P. Clarkii.
life span is, roughly, 4-8 years.
it needs a general Omnivores diet.
so fish flake, algae wafers, catfish pellets, over rip veg and just a few treats like, roast chicken breast, snails and earth worms.
oh yeah, make sure you keep the cave big enough for the cray to fit in.
as they moult they get bigger.
if it has nowhere to hide. it will go down quick.
if i can be any more help, PM me. or post here.