Blue Acara Or Green Terror?


New Member
Jun 29, 2013
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Hi first of all,
I have a 450 set up. Been running for almost 2 years. Pair of oscars, pair of sevrums and a green terror?! Or what I thought was a green terror.
I purchased this fella from my lfs and I've had it around 2 month. It hasn't grown much since and it's quite shy. From what I've read about gt's and heard I don't think the personality or e physics of this fish resemble what I've heard/read. I've attached a pic if anyone can give there opinion that would be hugely appreciated.


Wow thats alot for a 450l (120gal)... I had the exact same volume... I had a juwel rio 400 (new type) so 450l and 5ft long. I had a thai silk flowerhorn in mine.... that wad it lol he was 6-7 inches if i remember when i came to rehome him. As much as id of loved to have had something else in with him, he was just too aggressive and the tank was too small. He used up the whole tank so in a way im glad it turned out the way it did otherwise id of bought more fish endin up with an overcrowded tank.

I tried a 6 inch jack dempsey... which the fh killed within 24hrs (fh was a little over 4 inches at this time)... then i left it a few weeks and tried a 7 inch buttikoferi (fh wss around 5 inches).. again, the fh killed that within 24 hrs too. Last thing i tried was a 10-11 inch common plec but the fh just harassed it all day every day so the plec had to go :(

Iv had a few different oscars (all tigers and reds, oh and 1 albino)... lovely fish imo... maybe a little too common but lovely to keep never the less. Im a big fan of central and south America cichlids and always have been. Iv had all sorts including 2 jaguars and the infamous dovii :) most spectacular cichlid iv ever seen. Pure aggression lol

Anyway, sorry for going on about all that lol I hope you get the answer your looking for. Youd be surprised how many people have put up pics of a green terror thats actually turned out to be a blue acara and vice versa. Put some pics up of the fish and your tank. Would be great to see and hopefully someone here will be able to help you out.

Good luck :)
Sorry here it is


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Looks like a green terror to me but they do look very similar to the blue acara so i may be wrong. Green terrors are more aggressive than the blue acara but not as aggressive as alot of other cichlids. Even the jack dempsey is known to be more aggressive than the gt. A friend of mine had a pair of gt's... 1 at around 7 inches and 1 at around 4-5 inches. Neither would do as much as harm a neon tetra. Lovely looking fish though and is actually amongst my top fav looking cichlids
That is 100% a green terror blue acara very rarely get the orange boarder on the tail fin plus genrally have a lot of black come through the bodys greeny blue colour

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