Black Spots

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Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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So, since getting Riley he has developed black spots... at first I thought it must be part of his coloration developing as he wasn't fully grown yet.  The spots are becoming more and darkening... and I'm not sure it is his coloring.  I have googled and the information is really confusing concerning black spots.... everything from natural coloration to a disease... but no clear explanation of a disease but suggestions in various places to do salt or some general betta meds.
Now... how do I know if Riley needs some treatment or not?  Absolutely nothing about his behavior suggests that he is ill in any way.
Also, I have ordered indian almond leaves for him and I was reading and it said that those would have some great qualities for health and all that... when those arrive would that be enough to deal with any possible problem?  (I had ordered them thinking he had bitten his tail but now I am pretty sure he snagged it in a weird bit of my filter which I am going to figure out how to block up today).

You can see some of the black spots in these pictures.  It doesn't seem like anything is "on" him... it is like someone poked him with a marker... in appearance.

I personally would not concern yourself over those spots unless you start to see other issues with them.  They look to be coloration to me and can change in size or number randomly.
Thanks!  He has been doing fantastic since I got him... but I've been watching him like a hawk still since my first betta wasn't such a good experience.
Wildbetta has a lot of experience and I would trust her judgement on this.
I have a brilliant book on Fish Health (see below) and just checked it out.  If they look more like a small cyst than a flat black dot then it can be the larval stages of digenetic fluke parasites.  It states *"small numbers of these cysts do little harm, although large numbers are unsightly and may be dangerous to small fish".  
So at this stage looking at your photos of Riley, I would tend to agree with WB.  Keep a close eye on them and if they start to spread a lot, or look raised then you may need to look into it further.  I love the first photo of him head on, what camera did you use?
Source: *The Manual of Fish Health
No, nothing raised at all, really does just look like someone poked him with a marker.
My camera is a Sony dscw690s (quite a cheapie)
Great photos prairie, how are things with Riley?
He is doing well.  Some of the spots are a touch bit darker but there don't seem to be any more and they still look like pen marks not bumps.
His tail is also getting better since it got torn with no sign of tail rot.  I am sure now it was the filter and not him chomping it up. 
Riley is active ALL the time and still I've only ever caught him asleep that one time.

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