just rehomed this fish last night - passed on by pets at home. was told it was only 6inch by the owner but is closer to 10! had been kept in a water container for at least 48 hrs before I got him as he had been attacked by other fish and loaches. at the moment he is in my 2ft (105 litre) quarentine tank - not ideal but was not going to send it away again. I have dosed with melafix but he is swimming vertically with his nose up instead of down at 45 degree angle. dont want to dose with swim bladder incase this is not the problem. showed a video to staff in P@H today and they suggested it had possibly been nitrate poisoning.
Anyone got experience with bkgf that can help or rehome if he recovers? I would keep him but would mean a total reshuffle on my tanks as I have panchex and emporer tetra in my big tank where he would go.
Anyone got experience with bkgf that can help or rehome if he recovers? I would keep him but would mean a total reshuffle on my tanks as I have panchex and emporer tetra in my big tank where he would go.