Bio Home Media


Mostly New Member
Mar 5, 2016
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Hi just wondering if anyone is using bio home media ,i have two of my baskets in my filter with this media seems to be really good at the moment ammonia and nitrite has not moved from 0 since my tank has cycled and added fish using api test kit just waiting for the nitrates to go down as this is supposed to be good media for getting nitrates down just doing water changes for now.
Media such as ceramic balls are great as growing beneficial bacteria. Is yours a hard ceramic material with lots of pores. As long as you have some other media such as sponge or floss to catch particulates, having ceramics in your filter is beneficial. Your nitrates should become lower from proper water changes. A water change of 40-50% of the tank water done weekly is what I recommend. Also do not overfeed as that can raise nitrates. You might also test your tap water to be sure it doesnt have excess nitrates.

After cycling, did you do a 90% water change---that is what is recommende to remove high nitrates caused by cycling. How long have you been at the fish/aquarium hobby?
I use Bio Home media and think its great. I highly recommend it.
Hi i have been keeping fish for many years ,having just shut down my koi pond swimming pool due to being too risky with my child venturing into the garden, and keeping koi is a full time job as they are very dirty fish and need plenty of filter maintainence and water changes, i was just wondering how others were getting on with this media as the seller of this media claims this media helps to reduce nitrates in aquariums and ponds thus reducing the need for big water changes, its supposed to take up to three months for the anerobic
Bacteria that is needed to reduce nitrate to get going ,the media is made from cintered glass and is very porus .my external filter has ceramic rings in the bottom space for settlement and after that has a basket with course medium and fine sponges and two baskets each with a kilo of biohome media in them, doing 20%water changes each week which keeps my nitrate at 40ppm. There are videos on
Youtube about this media by pondguru who is the seller of this media in the uk. Cheers.
I have not used Bio Home as I use Seachem Matrix and DeNitrate. Culturing anaerobic bacteria in highly oxygenated fresh water can be a challenge even with the best porous media. This is especially true in fast flowing filters. Another challenge is that high nitrates are toxic to the very anaerobic bacteria we would like to culture to oxidize nitrates into nitrogen gas. A key to getting the culture started is to get nitrates low with repetitive water changes AND use a product like Prime to detoxify nitrates.

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