Biggest Fish For A 40G


New Member
Nov 18, 2012
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I was wondering what would be the biggest fish I can put in a 40g tank. I only have 2 clownfish and 4 damsels at the moment and I'm planning on doing corals and anemones pretty soon. What size fish
would be suitable for my tank?
Which species of clowns and damsels? Details there can make a big difference with stocking plans. I took a quick look through your other topics but didn't see the exact types mentioned anywhere; sorry if I missed it or forgot.
Are you planning on doing more of a community salt tank, or more of a live reef?  You mentioned corals and anemones, consider the size of free space, my favorites are yellow tangs. They love to eat the growth off the corals, and do well in groups. What do you have for a protein skimmer and lighting?

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