betta4ever - December 2022 Fish of the Month Winner


TFF Contest Czar
Staff member
Global Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
We have a winner in
December 2022 Fish
of the Month Contest
We had 12 awesome fish entered in this month's FOTM contest but only one could win...
And the winner is.......
Let's all congratulate them
Here's their winning entry and its description
Τhis is my boy, Mohito. I usually just call him Moh or Mohy. He's super old, a bit over 4 years old. He is a German Blue Ram, or Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi. He loves attention and knows quite a few tricks. He's the father of my other GBRs, who are now having their own fry. He lives on his own in a 20 gallon on my office, and is spoiled. He has a Betta character, and flares ath the mirror. He's definitely enjoying life!
Congrats to @betta 4ever with your beautiful German Blue Ram. Very nice picture of an awesome fish.
Coming in 2nd place is @connorlindeman with his nicely patterned clown killifish. What a fantastic looking little fish.
And coming in 3rd place is @Uberhoust with his awesome and beautiful Angelfish. Great photo.

Thanks to all who participated in this month's FOTM contest.

Right now, the poll for 2022 Tank of the Year Tournament has started. Prizes are offered in this exciting contest. Be sure you cast your vote in this all important contest. To view the poll, click the following link:
Awww thank you so much, everyone!! ❤️

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