Betta Torn Fins


New Member
Feb 25, 2002
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Hi everyone, I have a question wondering if someone could help me out.  Last night I put my male betta into my larger tank.  I don't believe that any of my other fish picked on him but I did see his fins kinda get caught in the filter.  Well this morning I woke up and about 1/3 of his top fin and back fin are gone.  I have since put him in a little hospital room in my other tank (can't give him the whole tank, another male betta is in it.)  Well, I guess my question is should I do anything else for him or will his fins just come back naturally?  Also, how long will it take until he gets back to his beatiful self?  I had my other betta in that tank for over a year, but I guess he was smart enough to stay away from the filter.  8)

Thanks in advance,
Most bettas don't do well with filters. It causes too much turbulance for their fins so they tear. I think that leaving him in the tank he's in for now is the best thing. No need to medicate at the moment but keep a eye on the fins in case he gets some fin and tail rot. If he does he'll need to get medicated. Till then leave him be and he should be just fine.

As far as the fins growing back they should but there is no guarantee they will. Some bettas have no problem growing the fins back but others do so you'll just have to wait and see. Rose 8)
Hi Lowcel,

My Betta also had his fins torn (not by a filter i might add) :D
I treated his tank to a small dose of methalyne blue, within the week his fins fins seem to be getting better, also he doesn't sorry for himself any more.

Gaza t
Sorry I wasn't here sooner.
How's the fin problem now

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