Betta Sorority


Fish Herder
Mar 4, 2012
Reaction score
Staffordshire, UK
I couldn't resist another bargain and I got myself a new 17 inch cubed glass tank. It is around 20 US gallons / 80 litres. The tank also has a glass lid.

I have been reading up on sororities and I feel quite confident that this tank would be perfect for one. I just wanted to run a few things with you, as I know I always get great advice here.

- The plan is to stock it with 8 female crown bettas and 6 pygmy cories.

- The tank will have hiding spots and be jungle-scaped, including floating plants.

- I would add the pygmys first and then the bettas all in one go (mature filter).

Do those plans sound ok? Anything else I should consider? I have read somewhere uneven numbers, but does that really make a difference?
Shameless bump for the evening shift. Or morning shift. Depending on the continent and country you live in ;)
Sounds good to me! I have 5 girl bettas in a 26G with a few cories, and they're all great. I've never had a problem from them, and the girl bettas are hilarious. They beg for food like crazy :lol:
Sounds good to me too. You ought to do a journal for the tank. I'd be tempted to have a few more pygmys though, as I'd imagine that you'd probably be able to get a couple more in there :good:
Sounds like a fab stocking idea! I personally would stick with the plans you have said. Lots of plants and hiding places and you should have some really happy fish! :)
Thanks both. Another journal? Oooh, that could get interesting :)

Could I possibly have a trio of otos with them? So eight bettas, six pygmys and three otos. I love otos and they would help with potential algae problems.

If you have read my posts here you can work out that I am a bit of a nutter. I have already chosen names for them all.

The tank will be called the Diva tank.

The bettas' names will be:

:hyper: :fun: :lol:

Each girl wants to be the prettiest, cat fights will be happening, doesn't it suit perfectly? I am so childish, I love my naming idea :rolleyes:
What I forgot to ask last night - could you possibly share your photos of your tanks? Just being nosey and I like to take inspiration.

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