Betta Smuggling?


Fish Addict
Dec 2, 2011
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So, i went to the local fish store, a new one to check it out. Once again, they had the Betta Fish Hell. There were two that caught my eye. One, a stunning black and red, seemed to have given up on life. His fins were going completely white, he had the worst case of mouth rot i've ever seen, and i knew then, he's going to be dead this week. The other was a stunning tan, blue, and purple boy. They had a filter on his tank. I'd be pushing it at saying the tank was like half a gallon, and that's really pushing it. He is losing color in his fins, but, I think I can make it work and he should be able to be saved, he's not too bad. The filter strength in there was so bad, he kept being shoved up against the wall, but he fought it for all he was worth. It was then that I knew I have to get him. Well, I had them put him on hold for me. I have until Friday to smuggle him home. I have a tank I can quickly set up for him, I just need to figure out how to get him home. So, i'm thinking I'll go get him tomorrow during lunch, keep him at my desk, then put him in my empty lunch bag, sneak him home and yeah. His name is Gaurdian now, i had some friends vote on it and he will be going to a 2.5 gallon Minibow aquarium that will be just his. I'll post pics tomorrow. What do you guys think? Any other ideas on smuggling him home?
No new ideas, but good luck! I've smuggled bettas into my apartment before! I was always busted eventually, but by then, the betta had a tank and a name and my husband just sighed and went on about his day :rolleyes:
Haha! Exactly how i got up to 7 bettas! It started as one fish, then i bought 3 to share my 10 gallon divided then "oh look! They threw in 3 free females!" then "but this one was being kept in the cup...."
bringing it home in like a lunch works well if you dont wanna get caught with it lol i did that a few times and my dad didnt even know until 2 weeks after i had them
(he still doesnt know i bought 2 new ones yesterday on my way home from a trip :shifty: )
That's awesome! And silly me! I didn't even pay attention to his tail or even take pictures! I was busy watching the poor buddy stuggle against the current... it's little like 4in x 4in x 4in cube - with no lid even!
I was really saddened by the bettas i saw. There were 2 more in vases, and one in a proper tank. One had a rip in the middle of his fin? Like it had been caught. Both sides were healed. Another was just laying at the bottom, and the other was glass surfind. I asked them what to put in a 10 gallon tank with my 4 female bettas, just for ideas. What was i told? A couple of angels. I asked what else, and was told maybe a small chichilid? So, needless to say, no more fish advice to be asked from them. They sell their mystery snails for $4 a pop, so, I think i'm going to start trading my babies to them for fish food, or new tank stuff lol
So, i know how absolutely amazing everyone is here at decorating betta tanks, right?? Well, I need help with his tank! (i'll get pics of him tonight). I'm thinking of a moss wall on the back. That's all i know so far! What would you do? And I'm going to give him his very own pet snail lol. My snails have been getting frisky, so, each of my bettas will be getting their own snails, and then the rest will be traded. Obviously you guys need to know what tank i have so you can help, here's a picture of it. It's been used for many fish and is a bit used. I got it from my gma who kept some tetras in there, who got it from people who kept a goldfish in it, and already with me, it's held 4 different bettas. So, it's seen some real use. I'm thinking Sand would look nice? with a moss wall, and what else? Oh, and there's no divider in it. And what would be a good small filter for it? One with a very gentle flow, as I don't want to put him back in a hell
Sponge filters are good for a Betta tank, they create very little current.
I have a sponge filter... somewhere... i just need the air thingy and to know how to work it...
I've got him! He's sitting here with me, ready to go home! The guy was nice about catching him, very gentle from what I've seen of fish workers
A small piece of natural timber always goes nicely with a fighter and you can attach Anubis (one of the nana types) or jarva fern to it. I have an artificial leaf in a tank with one of my fighters and he loves hanging out under it and because the way it is positioned in the tank he also gets on top of it for a snooze. Sand or a fine gravel to set off his colour will also work well.

Hope this ideas help.
i'll give it a shot. It won't be the best picture mind you, but, well, it'll be a picture XD

Here are a few!



Let it be known that he is a feisty lil punk XD and he needs his fancy name
now comes the worst part... getting him home without her knowing....this is going to be such fun xD... just gotta play it cool!

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