Betta Fish Tank And Happiness Of My Betta


Mostly New Member
Feb 26, 2015
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Hello there everyone. I am a owner of a Betta fish named "Grump".
He lives in a nice 10 Gallon tank by himself.
I had a few questions concerning his happiness thou
Heres a older picture of his tank. 1620554_1385625791711373_2010430875_n.jpg
I need to get a new picture since it has changed alot,  I removed the plastic leafs and added real water plants. then added 2 fake floating jelly fish that he sleeps in

Heres a crappy picture of Grump.
The questions i have about my Betta fish are.
1)  How to tell if hes Unhappy/Stressed?  I was told they stay near bottom of tank and dont do much besides go up for air.
He doesnt do this. He swims around alot. I think hes still making bubble nests. Cause everyonce and awhile i noticed alot of bubbles form up around the Filter i have in there. I was told its common that filters destroy the nests.
I was told the bubble nests are a sign of happiness
2)How often should i change my 10 gallon FILTERED water tank?
I change my 10 gallon water tank once a month. I was told to much would make Grump upset?
If i noticing the water turning Foggy or him not eating alot of his food. I often do like a 10% water change. 
3) Whats the correct Tempature for Grump? 
I heard 60-70 then i was told anything under 68 would kill him. then heard anthing over 70 would kill him. So i don't know what to beleive.
He swims around. plays around his toy jelly fishs as i type this and its at a 70-75 F tempature.  Is that good for him?
4) Food. Simply put. What do i give him?
I been using this
I grab a pinch and sprinkle it in the tank when he is near by. and he comes by and nibbles it up.
I was told to use pellets thou? Any recommended brands? Or is the flakes good enough?
5) Algea?
Never noticed algea in Grump's tank Up intill 3 months ago. Within 3-4 weeks I noticed a dark green spots appear on his toys and around the tank. I assumed this was Algea? Any way i can get rid of it?
Sorry if the questions arent allowed here! I will move them elsewere if so. Just little time to actually ask them so figured id cram it in here to lol.
You have a cute boy there! Are there any plans to change the substrate? I have heard of certain pebbles like those leeching before but it may just be a certain kind or very unusual circumstances.
I also wanted to say good on you for having him in a 10g :) I'm sure he loves all that space!
THIS will answer most if not all of your questions and more, although I'll try to answer them myself as well.
1) A stressed betta may have clamped fins or sit on the bottom a lot. Of course some can just be really lazy too. Check their fins and coloring and make sure there aren't any bumps, marks, or scrapes.
There is a lot more I'm sure but I've been really out of touch, maybe someone else can chime in.
Bubble nests are only a sign that he is ready/able to breed, even the bettas in tiny cups make them. They're still lovely to see though!
2) I change 25-50% of the water weekly for my bettas, and all my other tanks. 25% weekly is a good minimum. Do you have a test kit?
3) Bettas should be kept at 78-82F (or up to 86F as in the above link), below that and they'll be too cold and more susceptible to illnesses and lethargy.
4) A good high quality pellet would be best. Flakes are best avoided as they can cause bloat due to the air in them (so soak first if you need to feed them) and they're also hard to control how much you feed.
5) Can you get a picture of the algae? How long do you leave the lights on?
Ask as many questions as you like
That's what this forum is for!
Oh and 
to TFF btw! Hope you enjoy it here.
I won't repeat what everyone else has said, but I will give some input...

1)  How to tell if hes Unhappy/Stressed?  I was told they stay near bottom of tank and dont do much besides go up for air.
Azul does this sometimes because he has a huge tail to lug around. :) If everything else is pristine in the tank, and Grump's still doing it, I'd not be worried much. Sometimes a male betta can get stress stripes to show stress, they are horizontal lines across the body. Some males get them, some don't. Clamped fins show stress also.
Okay got a new picture of Grump and the Algea in 2 different spots!
Heres a side shot of grump just getting up before work with
Heres the Algea in 2 different spots
On a decroation in the corner
Then On his Log where he sleeps
The log has a nature green color. but the darker spots is the Algea (or so i beleive)
Do you treat the water before adding it to the tank?
YES i do i forgot to add that. I use BettaSafe water conditionar

Now you guys mentioned a Clamped Fins?
I never seen grumps fins poofed out or anything they always look this way in the picture that was posted about him just now.
Is that something to worry about?
I leave the lights all day. then when i go to bed i turn them off. So i would say anywhere from 10-16 hours? I was told to leave them on when im up and turn it off when i sleep?
At 10-16 hours, you're asking for algae, so keep the lights on around eight hours a day. My lights go on at about 12:30 in the afternoon, and then turn off at about eight in the evening. My lights are on a timer. Plants also combat algae. Try reducing the photoperiod, wipe off the algae (if you can; some is stubborn), and then see how it does. 

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