Betta Egg Question


Fish Addict
Jul 16, 2011
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ok so i have another question. when the eggs are in the nest and the female is out of the tank, do you have to have an air stone in the tank to keep the water slightly moving so the eggs wont get moldy? and should there be just one bubble a second for the air stone (i know not to put it on all the way)
Do not destroy the nest by running an air stone. The male will tend the eggs if you just let him be to do it.
no water movement at all whilst in the nest and don't feed either. You need to add a sponge filter once the male is out and fry free swimming
I guess it can vary but a really energetic male can make a nest in a few hours. (I don't keep Bettas, I've just done research on them before)
depends, I have males that make new nests daily, others only when conditioned. Some just never nest
the red male (Bacon :) ) i now in the breeding tank and is still being conditioned. i have exposed him to Candy through the glass and he has made a small nest so far!
the nest is getting bigger!!!!!! woo-hoo!
like my new signature pic? :hey:
Nice idea :)

I'm trying to be original by sticking with the sig I've had for ages :lol:
Nahh, I wish it was. If I ever see one similar I will have to buy it :hyper:
On the latest question, a male will make a nest from scratch during breeding if it is called on to do so. The presence of an existing nest means almost nothing except that you have proper temperatures in your tank and the male is well conditioned. He does not need that head start to succeed in breeding.
update: i have candy in a breeding trap in the tank. his nest is getting so Big :hyper: . i will let him add on to it tonight and tomorrow will be the big day. he is sooooo ready for her!

nest this morning (well like 1:00 PM)

the nest right now :wub: :

him flaring:

i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yahoo:

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