Betta Cottage


Fish Gatherer
Feb 26, 2013
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As some of you may know, I'm beginning a sorority tank in a month. This week, I'll be getting all my supplies! (Tank and stand hopefully tonight.) here's a quick rundown:

20 gallon long
Jungle-thick plants
16 females
Caves a plenty

I'm going to cycle this tank using Dr. Tim's one and only, just to try. When it comes in the mail I shall document that process here for all who are interested.

Each update will include pictures of my progress. I am hoping all of you will pitch in with your ideas for my scaping.

I'm not going to put my plants in until the very last, but I'm anticipating that you all can help me with my master list when I go to collect all my plants.

So, today, with no tank, stand, or even filter, I am presenting the names of all sixteen of my girls, though I do not yet have pictures from my breeder. I have chosen Greek goddesses for all my fish.


I have chosen each one of these for special reasons. I chose Hera for the name of my alpha, as Hera was a vindictive ruler who hated Hercules above all her husband's illegitimate children. She is the one who forced him into the twelve trials, caused him to murder his wife and children out of Hate, and sent him all sorts of other nasties, like the Hydra, which I'm considering as an alternate name for one of these.

I hope you all stick around, as this journal is more about the process of getting my girls, as it is also about keeping them content and healthy when I get everything set up.

I'm excited! I hope you all are as well!
Wow I can't wait for this to come together. Love the names!  16 is a lot, have you seen them yet? Do you know what you are going for? Can't wait for pics!
I haven't seen my girls yet, but I'm going to be paying for them soon. Maybe my breeder (basement bettas) will have pics for me soon. I'm about to email her. I'm getting all halfmoon, with maybe some double tails thrown in. I be asked my breeder if they could be raised kinda together, she said it would be no problem. Her fish are gorgeous, so I'm glad I've chosen her as my breeder (Thank you, WildBetta!).

As for your second question, do you mean what am I going for in terms of the tank aesthetics? If this is the case, I'm hoping that the tank will be so thickly planted, that I won't be able to see all the way to the back of this tank. I just want it to look like plants everywhere. With a few gaps so I can, you know, actually see my fish, I'll also have spaces where the driftwood is featured. I'm planning to simply cover it in java moss.
That will look amazing. I like the "untamed jungle" effect myself but my cories keep moving my plants for me. In my fry tank however, the wisteria has grown and grown and I just catch glimpses of the guppies, I love it like that!  I am looking for wood that looks like branches. 
Are you going for low tech or co2? I think plants with broad leaves like amazon sword, anubias, ferns and crypts will look good. 
That's good you are getting them all growing up together. It will be like a surprise if you've not seen them yet! Why a tank of females? Do you want to use them for breeding purposes too? 
I'm trying to do low tech. I'll be dosing with liquid co2, though, as I'm worried the amount of plants will require it. I'm also going to go with a plant substrate with a thin layer of stone colored gravel. I'm hoping I won't have to go all the way with real co2 injections, as I simply don't have the money for those sorts of things. I know for sure I'm going to do a lot of amazon swords, as they really are hardy plants with some anubias of several varieties. I'm also hoping to get some dwarf baby tears.

My sister and I had a huge blowout after she cancelled our lease on me while I was in the hospital (I mean, really. Couldn't wait till I was a litter better?) and so she sold all of my tanks except for my ten gallon betta tank. So I decided I'm getting a twenty gallon as my little cottage (hence the title of this journal) is not big enough for another gorgeous fifty five. I chose female bettas because I love the males so very much (though I've reduced my number of males to one, after selling King, Delta, Hendrix, and Honey), and the idea of sorority tank is enthralling. Plus they are challenging tanks and I'm ready for a new challenge.
That's a shame sorry to hear about that. But you have got a decent sized tank. When my tank cracked and I got this 180L I was stuck with what to put in it and I did think about female fighters but they were so aggressive towards each other in the shop I didn't think I would be able to put up with it. I took the easy way out with rams and angels, so good on you for doing it. 
I do love amazon swords, my 3 bunches have played musical tanks so many times but still are going strong. One is a foot tall. 
I must be the only person on the planet who managed to kill anubias, it was a gorgeous plant too. I would love co2 but it's the cost of it, I get envious of peoples tanks with lush green "grass" they look amazing but it's just not for me. 
I love your sig, it's like a blurb for a gripping book! Can't wait to see this come together. Good luck!
One of my amazons is fourteen inches at last measure. I've had it since march. It was less than half it's size then. It's my plant baby. :) Phoenix loves it, though, so I probably won't take it from him (he's my male betta).

I've kept rams before. They did really well until my pH spiked (I think) while I was not watching. I think it had something to do with removing my driftwood for a spell. It had snail eggs on it. Anyway, I've emailed my breeder. I'm hoping for a reply soon!

Oh, my signature was supposed to read like that. I'm gla you caught on!
Yeah I love my swords too! That's some good growth rate! Mines grew fast in my fry tank as the temp was so high! . To be honest I am very disappointed in my rams, they are so boring lol. I have very soft water so it's perfect for them but my tank temp is at 24 for my cories, I don't know if that's what the problem is, they just "stand about".
Ooh exciting stuff, is the breeder picking the girls for you or showing you what she has and you pick them? 
Haha yeah your sigs awesome! 
I think my breeder just is raising up some of her female fry together for me. It's a total surprise for me. She hasn't replied yet, so I'm not sure what any of them look like, but I'm hoping I've got some cellophane a in there! I think they're gorgeous. I think she's already picked them all out, as I explained what I'm doing and what I needed. I hope she replies soon.
I've been looking for the journal on your sorority and now it's finally here :yahoo:
I can't wait to see the fish and the tank :D
Haha! Yeah, I'm pretty pumped too. Still no word from my breeder, but she is probably at work or something. I'm about to pick up some supplies. For now, I'm just getting the tank, heater, filter and maybe the hood.
Tank, hood, lights, filter, liquid CO2, and heater all purchased! In two hours I'll pick up the stand and we will be ready to test all parts! Woohoo!
Good plan, :good: .

How I'll you remember all those names though? :p
Ooh exciting times atti, looking forward to this :D
I'm going to have a picture chart pinned next to the tank. Naming them makes it easier for me to keep up with any behavior changes, who is bullying whom, etc. Each fish will have a picture of her by her name along with a description and list of any unique markings for identification purposes. ;)

Once this stupid drive is over, my boyfriend and I are headed to buy dog food, produce, and a stand. It's an odd shopping list, really. Before we go, I'm going to take pictures of all the stuff. :D

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