Fish Crazy
my betta goes up and down the beck of the tank all day long, it doesnt matter what i do, lights on or off, background on or off, he still does it! as you can see from the video ive posted below, he has a big tank to himself with a tunnel to play in (used it a lot when i first put it in) and a plant, he had made a bubble nest a few days ago but he has been doing this for 2 days now!
he is in a 28L tank, 26.C, cycled filter, test just now everything 0, nitrate about 20, last water change was last night.
i feed him hikari, 5 or 6 pellets a day, i soak them first in water, he spits it out sometimes but eats most of it. am i feeding him enough? ive had him 3 weeks nearly.
edit: also im yet to see him poop :\ im sure he must be, but i dont ever see any evidence either
he is in a 28L tank, 26.C, cycled filter, test just now everything 0, nitrate about 20, last water change was last night.
i feed him hikari, 5 or 6 pellets a day, i soak them first in water, he spits it out sometimes but eats most of it. am i feeding him enough? ive had him 3 weeks nearly.
edit: also im yet to see him poop :\ im sure he must be, but i dont ever see any evidence either