Size of tank in gallons or litres? 55 gal
How many fish and which type? guppies platies endlers 3 mollies 2 serpaes 3 neons 2 catfish 1 sick
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph. not sure
The sore scales on the fish do they look like blood patches? not raelly
Are the scales peeling off, or lifting? no it looks as if 1 is gone
Any lumps beneath the sore scales?no
Is there stomach also bloated?no
Are the fish eyes bulging out?yes definetly
Any signs of red streaking of fins, body?no
Any blood patches on the fish fins, or body?not really no
Do any fish flick and rub on objects in the tank?no
Are signs of fish darting, or erratic swimming?no
Any fish gasping at surface of tank, or laboured breathing?no
Do the sore scales look red, or pink, with a circling of dead white tissue around the edges?yes a little
Any white, pink, red, edges to fins?no
Have the fish been fighting, or squabbling?with a problem chinese algae eater got rid of him this morning
Any excess slime on fins, body?not sure no
Do gills look pale or red and inflamed?paleish but red ish on the inside
Is there any signs of a cloudy, or greyish film on fish body, fins?yes definety
Sorry for all the questions but they need to be answered to rule some ailments s okay anthing to help pepper
Is it possible to load a pic of the sick fish onto the site. um i need my dad to do it try when he gets home