Fish Crazy
So I was looking around at some lighting bulbs for growing coral, there were three options to choose from, all by CORALIFE, T8 lighting. There was the Actinic Blue Lights, the 10,000 K Daylight, and the other are the 50/50 (Actinic and 10K). I would assume the 50/50 would be the best choice as it's a combination of the first two, right? I was hoping to keep zoanthids, mushrooms, blastos, all of which don't require high light from what I've heard. If I wanted acropora, would the 50/50 be enough light to sustain it? I'm planning on getting a 20-30 gallon tank for the reef system, it should be about a foot tall, so I'm pretty sure everything will receive plenty of light. I think most lamps usually have two sockets for two bulbs? So if that were the case, what combination would be best? The Actinic Blue with the 10K, two 50/50's, maybe the 50/50 with the 10K?
And if anyone can recommend more beginner corals to start out with, that would be great. Acropora may not be the best choice for me, but I'm just considering it. I'm trying to prepare and plan it out carefully, it's not going to happen for a while, but I'm eager and want to get a nice plan together.
And if anyone can recommend more beginner corals to start out with, that would be great. Acropora may not be the best choice for me, but I'm just considering it. I'm trying to prepare and plan it out carefully, it's not going to happen for a while, but I'm eager and want to get a nice plan together.