Beautiful Oscer


Feb 25, 2012
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The most amazing oscer I have ever seen, shame I crnt have them in my tank :(
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I you click on it it's brings it up
hmm it doesnt do it for me. I clicked numerous times. ow well, was intriged.
No link doesn't work for me either, and if i were to google in Albino oscar it will come up with a zillion images, so no idea which one you would be referring to as being especially beautifull. Although most would be, excluding long finned varieties (just so wrong!)

And its Oscar not Oscer :p
No link doesn't work for me either, and if i were to google in Albino oscar it will come up with a zillion images, so no idea which one you would be referring to as being especially beautifull. Although most would be, excluding long finned varieties (just so wrong!)

And its Oscar not Oscer :p

Wait till you see my long fin in the flesh :) you may change your mind. Bear in mind a long fin is different from a veil fin :)
Same principle as Goldfish IMO. You get common goldies and they are nice attractive fish, you then get those that have been bred a.k.a 'mutated' to have lonnnng extravagent finnage whether it be veil/long or whatever. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but to me its just not right. Same goes for Danios and other fish with long tail varities, it just isn't a good look :blink: Plus i like 'nibbly' fish, or fish with a bit of attitude, so long finned fish aren't really a good choice for me, regardless if its an Oscar or not :p

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