Basic Setup For 2 Fancy Goldfish


Fish Crazy
Feb 17, 2012
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ashford, kent
could you give me some ideas on a basic setup for 2 fancy goldfish.

tank size , heater wattage and filter type is all i want your opinion on.if you can suggest a fish tank and filter that would be fantastic.

i have been keeping fish for 8 years but never goldfish.
ive just moved into a new house and have sold all my other tanks.i needed to make room for my 21month old sons toys etc.i couldnt fit them all.well i can fit up to a 3ft tank and ive decided to get 2 fancy goldfish.i want a basic setup and want opinions from those who have kept goldfish before.
Absolute minimum tank size is 30 gallons, but I would get 50. Goldfish get HUGE!!! They will be small when you get them, but they can reach 15 inches. A 50 gallon would give them room to swim.
No heater needed because goldfish are cold water fish. They like temps between 50 and 60 degrees F.
Goldfish are extremely messy so I would get a filter for twice the tank size you get. 100 gallon filter for a 50 gallon tank.
As for substrate, there are many opinions. I like bare bottom because it is much easier to clean. Goldfish like to root around on the bottom looking for food. Some members have said sand can irritate the gills. Gravel can get stuck in their mouths, and sharp gravel can cut them.

There is a forum just for cold water fish. It has a lot of info on goldfish.
Good luck!
I had a similar problem when i first started. bought a tank (40 litres) from a car boot and got 2 fnacy goldfish and a tench. within 1 year the tench alone had gone from being 2 inch long to nearly 5 ! be very careful.

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