Hi everyone, once again I'm turning to these forums for advice. I have a 20 gallon tank that was established this past October. The tank housed 7 Glofish, 2 Cory catfish and 2 Amano shrimp happily, the only fish I lost was one of the Cory's, which died about a week after I bought it, and I think it was sick from the beginning.
The problem started when I added 2 Black Molly's about a month ago. One of the Molly's never really seemed to adapt (appeared slow, hid often) and died about a week ago. Today I lost the other Cory. While doing my weekly 25% water change tonight, I saw that the other Black Molly had a long white stringy feces hanging from her underside. She otherwise eats well and appears healthy, but my concern is that there may be some kind of infection or other problem in the tank which has caused the other fish to die. If there is a problem should I treat the whole tank or isolate the Molly? Any help here would be greatly appreciated, my daughter's will be very upset if we lose all of the other fish! Thanks!
The problem started when I added 2 Black Molly's about a month ago. One of the Molly's never really seemed to adapt (appeared slow, hid often) and died about a week ago. Today I lost the other Cory. While doing my weekly 25% water change tonight, I saw that the other Black Molly had a long white stringy feces hanging from her underside. She otherwise eats well and appears healthy, but my concern is that there may be some kind of infection or other problem in the tank which has caused the other fish to die. If there is a problem should I treat the whole tank or isolate the Molly? Any help here would be greatly appreciated, my daughter's will be very upset if we lose all of the other fish! Thanks!