Background. Internal 3D, Or "tape-On-Back-Fake-Rocks/plants/etc&#3


Mostly New Member
Aug 25, 2013
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Hello everybody,
I ordered my Juwel Vision 260 last night, delivery this coming week or next.
It comes with most major bits, except background. I really like the 3D backgrounds that Juwel offer. They are "glued" to the inside back wall of the aquarium using silicone. 
Are these good for a tank, or will they just harbour bacteria behind etc causing water problems?
First of many questions LOL!
If installed properly nothing should get behind it but you also have to consider the fact that it reduces space for water and swimming space as well. If it isn't fully sealed you will get stuff, even fish maybe stuck behind there and you're at risk of water quality issues. They do look nice though. 
There's always the option of using a plain coloured background. Many people opt for black or blue. The easiest option is just to paint the back of the tank but it seems too permanent for some people (though it is really easy to scrape off, I've just done it myself recently).
Instead of using tape there are products you can use to seal the background to the back of the tank. I've used Sea View a few times and it works great. Some people use cooking oil, hair gel, or a spray bottle filled with soapy water to attach the background. Then you just squeegee out any air bubbles. On my current tank I used cooking oil, it has come up a bit and it never did with Sea View but I may have just been a bit unlucky. 
I like the 3D background but they require a larger tank.  If you want a 55Gallon you really need to then purchase a 75Gallon to make up for the space lost as Alm0stAwesome posted.  Also, they cost a pretty penny.  Its all preference but I use plants to fill my background.
Alm0stAwesome said:
you also have to consider the fact that it reduces space for water and swimming space as well. 
Thanks for the feedback!
At around 2-3cm thick, I didn't think it would reduce the swimming space significantly. I am not planning on keeping big fish. It will mostly be a planted aquarium, with shrimp and small "shoalers" like guppies or neons.
I will keep the solid colours in mind too - that's a good idea.
EDIT: I have them available here as a pair for EUR40. Which I didn't think too bad for a relief backing 
But South American puffers love room to swim and a tank isn't complete without a puffer or two or three!
I have a DIY 3d background in my 55 ill try to get some pics in :)
Thanks HHH for the pics!!!
The Juwel ones are quite pretty and under 3 cm thick.
Silicone adhesive is used to attach them to the glass... then off you go.
Will weigh it all up!

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