Baby Lobster Pics

I've never seen baby lobsters before and they're adorable! :lol:
Thank ya, you should see em when they let go of momma they are about the size of a mechanical pencil lead. I tried like heck to get a pic whikle they were on her but she would not hold still. :p
They sound so adorable when they let go of ma. How old are they when you can sex them? And how do you sex them??
Just a quick question, but as I know most crayfish/squats and the like are fairly cannabalistic as they grow together in close confines (plus will generally damage eachother fighting anyway) - do you plant to separate these out? Or another good method is to provide many definate small territories.


and great job :)
May i ask how big is you tank for your lobsters and what other fish you have in it ?
Sorry I have been slow responding but have had a crazy week.

They let go of mommy about 2 weeks after the eggs hatch typicly (at least with mine) this batch let go about 6 days after.
Some are 1/2 inch now others are still a little bigger then a pencil lead it realy varies I have had some that are still less then 1/8 of an inch after a month and a half.

They are currently in a 29 gallon tank While fighting and cannabilism is always a threat with the cray as babys when they use thier evasion maneuver (shoot backwards at ridiculous speed, my kids call it the ninja jump) they tend to float a long time so the one attacking looses interest. Most of mine will be going to the pet store before the weekend is over. (minus a few to send marie and any I miss as they grow different speeds). We also avoid cannabilism with ridiculous feeding(also promotes growth) We put in aroun 15-20 shrimp pellets twice a day and break up 4 or 5 algea tabs as well. It seems like a lot but there is nothing left over. We have to watch for momma to come out of her cave while they are in there and set an algea tab in front of her she shoos the babys and takes it as her own.

As for sexing them I can sex em pretty well at 1/2 inch never tried to smaller cus no one ever asked. Males have an extra set of mini claspers that form a v at the underside base of the tail. The females do not. When they mate the male holds the female to him with these (besides the bondage grip he will pin her with, trust me if ya see it ya will understand the description) I beleive the extra claspers also act as a delivery device for the male side of reproduction.

My male and female lobsters both ahev thier own tanks now aside from the babys chilling with momma till I bag em up. I find it lets her relax to have her own tank. For lack of a better word my male lobster is an absolute prick and harrasses her to no end. I will give em a congigal visit for about week here in a month after the babys are gone. I want to give momma a break. Not running a lobster mill here :p. When they were shareing a 55 with just them and some mystery snails(big snails or they would be food) He still would camp out in front of the caves she claimed so unless ya get lucky and get a less aggressive male ( I have not seen one of the alleni) Then I would say once they are over 3 inches seperate em for thier own sake into two 10 gallons or bigger.

Also once they are a couple inches it seems most males have longer narrow claws while most females have thicker stubby claws. Its not always true but most of the time its the quick way to tell without peeking under thier tail.

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