Assistance With A Polypterus Bichir


New Member
Jul 11, 2012
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Hi all.

About 4 months ago I was sold a Bichir from my local aquatic centre. I informed them what I had in my tank and was assured that it would be fine. However once it started to grow my fish levels began to decrease. Rather then eating them it would just attack the fish and leave it there to die. The final straw though was when my platy disappeared. although we can guess where he ended up. I have since bought and even larger tank for my other fish and that tank has now settled quite nicely.

I put my Bichir in a 40 gallon tank with a leopard pleco and they seem to get along, I also on the advice of another trop shop put in 2 angles but guess what it killed one of them. I have to now think he is just an overly aggressive fish. But what other options have I got as a tank mate, other then something such as a rope fish as I don't think my tank is big enough for one of them. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Andrew
Personally? I would advise you to rehome him... he is easily going to fast outgrow your 40g and especially on a high protein diet ;)

Some birchirs are better at hunting than others/more likely to attack fish too big to eat... others are gentle (until you least expect it anyway)... but they hunt mostly at night and can hang about in plants etc and grab fish on the way past.

But no matter your choices, you will need to plan ahead to a bigger tank if you dont wish to rehome him... and think big tough mean fish in terms of tank mates.... big enough and fast enough not to get eaten = bigger tank!
Thanks for your insights. Rehoming him is not an option. I
Have strong feelings that once you take a pet it's for life and not
To be given up when it get tough. I will when requires get a larger tank
. What I would like to know what fish do well standing up if required against
A Bichir.
I've kept bichir's alongside bigger cichlids without any problems before. But with a 40ltr tank, you are quite limited to how many you could keep.

But I've kept them with firemouth, severum, red jewel and blue acara before.

Edit: some spelling
Go you Andrew!! That is always awesome to hear!

GarySpence, its 40 gallon, not litre, he has a bit more space than that lol...

Andrew, your biggest problem is that there are loads of fish he can be kept with!! The trouble is that this requires you to have a bigger tank beforehand! As the fish will need to be ofa good size already and fast enough to escape = already need a large tank.

IMO you want a 5x2x2 kind of sized, minimum 5x2x1.5 and you can choose fish to go with your birchir. Cichlids will be your best bet as they are bolshy, will get their own food and arent stupid enough to get eaten once they are big enough. You have a choce to go with the larger of the south/central american cichlids or the african cichlids.

Personally, I would go with African but not mbuna, they are narky and breed like rabbits (hybridising like mad until you have a tank full of ugly grey babies) and require rock work that the birchir wont appreciate. Better the haps! (Peacocks) and get a few really good sized specimens (bigger than mbuna!) like one of my favourites were my pair of Malawi Eyebiters (bit of a misnomer there!! I found them really gentle even as the peacocks go!) or Copadichromis Borleyi. I also had a pair of electric blues (sciaenochromis fryeri) ooh and Aulonocara jacobfreibergi! Loads of choices and colours without going near the narky little mbuna (that are more snack sized!)

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