Assassin Snails


Feb 27, 2012
Reaction score
London, UK
I got some assassin snails to get rid of the other ones which had become quite prolific, and they have done a great job.

This evening I found two assassins on top of each other - is that likely to be reproducing, one eating another one, or nothing at all!?


Assasin snails breed like mad!! Exspect millions more in your tank lol
Different for everyone then, I started with a few last year and ended up with hundreds and ive spoke to others who was the same
Different for everyone then, I started with a few last year and ended up with hundreds and ive spoke to others who was the same

In terms of how prolific they are compared to almost every "pest" snail species, they are very low on the scale indeed. Sure, they're more prolific than humans or elephants, but very much less than Malaysian trumpet snails, pond snails, bladder snails or any of the others they are usually brought in to assassinate.
so as the fella asked, when 1 is ontop of another is it just breeding?
It's not breeding; it's just snails crawling over each other in the absent minded way they have. They go side-by-side for breeding, I believe.
This conversation made me giggle :good: :lol: I'm just going to go away and grow up a bit now LOL

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