i need to stop buying plants....
this is still in the planning stages so where to get started.
the tank: 90L (i think) 3x1x1f
the filter: 2 fluval 105's (will probably connect them somehow so it has 1 inlet)
substrate: john innes Number 3, with a sand cap
the light: 1 T8 Bulb, (maybe with additional lighting later, depends how plants cope)
possible plant list:
Limnophila aromatica
Barclaya longifolia
Cryptocoryne wendtii tropica
Cryptocoryne parva
another crypt which iv got, laying around somewhere
Java fern
Java fern needle
weeping moss or Fissidens fontanus
Aponogeton Crispus
possible stocking
Blue pearl Shrimp -100%
Assassin snails 100%
Microdevario nana
Boraras brigittae
Oryzias woworae
Microrasbora rubescens
it will be a few weeks until i get this set up, redecorating my room (which the tanks going in)
the tank: 90L (i think) 3x1x1f
the filter: 2 fluval 105's (will probably connect them somehow so it has 1 inlet)
substrate: john innes Number 3, with a sand cap
the light: 1 T8 Bulb, (maybe with additional lighting later, depends how plants cope)
possible plant list:
Limnophila aromatica
Barclaya longifolia
Cryptocoryne wendtii tropica
Cryptocoryne parva
another crypt which iv got, laying around somewhere
Java fern
Java fern needle
weeping moss or Fissidens fontanus
Aponogeton Crispus
possible stocking
Blue pearl Shrimp -100%
Assassin snails 100%
Microdevario nana
Boraras brigittae
Oryzias woworae
Microrasbora rubescens
it will be a few weeks until i get this set up, redecorating my room (which the tanks going in)