Art In Progress


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
I swear why have I never come to this section before??

Anywho! Here is a pic I've been working on... actually I haven't worked on it recently.....
But anywho! I wanted to do a little art in progress thing for the hell of it to show the steps I go through to complete a pic.

I have a personal project I'm doing where I'm going to turn my bf, brother, his wife and possibly myself into some sort of fantasy being.
And I'm starting off with my bf who is getting turned into a drow :good: Actually the drow part was his idea.. I just knew I wanted him to be something dark and have a mischevious look to him.

Here is the initial sketch I did of him.

I then go in with paint shop pro 7 to add some basic colors to the background. I usually never know what I want to do with the background... and in this case.. that's no different :p

I always do eyes first. I have no idea why, but it's just the way I've been doing it for forever now. The paint program I use to start painting in everything is Adobe Photodeluxe 2.0 It's SO old and SO buggy, but I love it. I do need to start learning how to use newer programs though.

Alrighty.. so I didn't like the way the dots were looking so took them out.

I was going to try a new coloring technique, but it didn't turn out so well..this pic isn't what the completed pic would've been heh It was just something for me to see where all the shading and such would be.

So since that didn't work.. I erased all of that and just went with my old technique. Also forgive the color template on the side. The program has a tendency to poop out on my at the worst time so I have to put the colors I'm using on the pic so I don't lose them.

After creating layers for shading and highlights.. I start on the shading using a few darker shades

I then go in and add in the highlights...

And after all that.. cleaning up some, adding more here and there... I'm done with it.. for now.
And this is where I've put in the base color for his hair. I wanted to give him long hair, but well.. he didn't like it and wanted me to do short hair so well.. here it is :p lol Longer hair would've been so much easier dangit! heh

And that's it for now!
I need to work on it some more since I haven't for about a week or so.... It'll get done eventually :D hehe
that is super cool and good . the best i can do is stick people and thats on a good day
That looks great! I love seeing peoples artwork, keep us updated on any new pics!
Thanks you 2 :)
I haven't worked on it again yet... still debating what exactly I want to do with it. If I want to make it modern... or keep it purely medieval type.... Think I might go modern with it though b/c I have an idea for the background if I do heh. We'll see though.

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