Fish Crazy
Hello all!
I know you've told me multiple times what I should do with my 238L tank and its 90-100L sump system, especially you, Teacher
But my parents need to hear it. Can you believe the tank's previous owner told them to add bacterial supplement, change 30% of the water every month ("no more because I could kill the bacteria") AND fully stock the tank!? (Aren't the bacteria not free swimming!?) This is a guy who had no idea what I was talking about when I asked him not to scrub out the filter and to keep it moist so he wouldn't kill the nitrifying bacteria! And who also told me I could safely keep 7 discus and 2 angels in my size tank... (He let the filter medium, a 'sock filter', dry out anyway.)
I was told (
) that I must change 50L weekly, and that I can build a rainwater-filtration system to get the remaining 30L to complement the 20L of tap water I will be allowed to change. Could someone very experienced please explain the concept here?
Also, my pH is 6.0 (my biology teacher gave me a strip of pH-testing tape...), can/should I raise it to 7?
So anyway, I'd love it if someone could explain the following:
-Why bacterial supplements don't (usually) work
-Why it's necessary to change a set amount of water EVERY WEEK
-What happens if you don't do sufficient w/c's
-Where bacteria grow, and how they grow
-How I could build a simple filtration system to use the abundant rain that falls here
I did pay attention when I was told this, I would just like for someone more experienced than I to repeat it here so that my parents will finally see that while I don't enjoy doing w/c's, I must do them for the welfare of my babies.
Thanks a lot in advance!
I know you've told me multiple times what I should do with my 238L tank and its 90-100L sump system, especially you, Teacher
I was told (

Also, my pH is 6.0 (my biology teacher gave me a strip of pH-testing tape...), can/should I raise it to 7?
So anyway, I'd love it if someone could explain the following:
-Why bacterial supplements don't (usually) work
-Why it's necessary to change a set amount of water EVERY WEEK
-What happens if you don't do sufficient w/c's
-Where bacteria grow, and how they grow
-How I could build a simple filtration system to use the abundant rain that falls here
I did pay attention when I was told this, I would just like for someone more experienced than I to repeat it here so that my parents will finally see that while I don't enjoy doing w/c's, I must do them for the welfare of my babies.
Thanks a lot in advance!