Are They Pregnant


Fish Fanatic
Apr 25, 2013
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Are these 3 platys pregnant?


The golden barb to the right could be too??
The two in the top picture look pregnant.... not sure if the yellow one in the second from the bottom is the same as the top one... but that one either doesn't look pregnant or is very early on.
PrairieSunflower said:
The two in the top picture look pregnant.... not sure if the yellow one in the second from the bottom is the same as the top one... but that one either doesn't look pregnant or is very early on.
yes thats the other one in the first photos the one to the left at the top, and thats my other red once the same so iv got 3 at most that r pregnant. Do you know the signs of them nearly giving birth so wen it comes to the time i can put them in the hatchery?
They're Platies, they're practically born pregnant! :) if it were me I'd just leave them in the main tank otherwise you'll just have more babies than you know what to do with.
if i leave in main tank the other fish will eat the fry. the LFS will buy the Platies once they are big enough. :)
Everyone, assume that if you have male and female livebearers ( or the livebearers have been in the same tank in the last 5-6 months ), THEY ARE PREGNANT!
TallTree01 said:
Everyone, assume that if you have male and female livebearers, THEY ARE PREGNANT!
iv got no male platies this is how they are after iv brought them home after about a week
defoecurtis said:
if i leave in main tank the other fish will eat the fry. the LFS will buy the Platies once they are big enough. :)
You're quite lucky then. Most LFS can get hold of thousands of these fish so don't need to bother getting them from customers. I never bothered putting them in breeding boxes after the first couple of times, purely due to the numbers I was ending up with.

Leaving them in the tank keeps the numbers down to manageable levels and many will still be able to hide and will grow if you have plants and decorations to hide in.
They do it with some of their customers not all iv know them all my life and before then my dad use the same place and still does lol.. once the tank is more planted and some rocks n things in their ill let them give birth in the tank but these are my first livebearers always had fish that are egg layers.
angels, guppys and discus fish. when we get the other tank im hoping to breed mouth brooders :)
Guppies aren't egglayers

+1 to what Lunar Jetman said, I would leave them in the main tank. Platy fish in my experience are excellent at hiding. They go off and stay hidden I always assume they have been eaten then about 3 weeks later they all come out of hiding. Guppies I find are a lot faster at getting away but stay out in the open a lot more.
If however you do want to keep the fry I would recommend a separate fry tank. I have been breeding guppies for the past year, I find the growth rate is very slow if they are kept in the tiny breeding trap. This is the first time I have a separate tank for the babies, I have 15 in there just now and the growth rate is very impressive.
It would be something to consider if you are breeding for LFS which is very unusual. As said before, they have too many than they know what to do with. 
Good luck.
thx for all the advice the first lot from each fish ill keep then the second lot ill let them stay in the main tank to keep the numbers down :)
my 2 golden platies have got a white spot were their anal is... but she is pooing at the moment is it cos shes pooing or is this the white spot iv gotta look for even wen shes pooing
defiantly a white spot there and shes hanging around the bottom of the tank not letting others near her just waiting for her belly to go square now

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