Are These Dwarf Gouramis Both Males?


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Jun 3, 2012
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Honey Gourami

Flame Gourami

Also, can a honey and flame gourami breed together? or do they have to be the same type of gourami?
The first pic looks like a wild-coloured male honey gourami. His throat will go black when he decides to build a bubble nest.

The second one looks more like a red robin gourami to me, though I've never been able to tell the sex of them. The fin shape suggests female as they are short and rounded.
If it's a dwarf rather than a red robin, then it will be a male because of its colour.

I've read that red robins are dwarfs or honeys or a hybrid of the two. I have no idea which one is the truth.
The first looks very much like one of my Golden Honey Gouramis. The second looks like what is sold in Petco & Petsmart as standard Honey Gouramis. Both are way to young to tell whether they're male of female.Give them a couple of months or so.

Here's a couple of pictures of my Golden Honey Gourami males. Note the long, pointed, dorsal fin. That's the easy way to tell:


The first pic, I would say it's male because of its colour. It looks like the wild coloured male honey gourami I had. The female of this colour type is silvery beige with a brown stripe from nose to tail. Stressed males can look like females, but females never look like males. Mature males get a black throat, the fish in the first pic has a silver throat, possibly because it is young it maybe because it is stressed - and it would be a bit stressed if you've just got it. Have a look at the fish in post 3 here These are honey gouramis as nature made them.
There are also man made colours, made by selective breeding. These include yellow (the type I have at the moment) and red. Pic 2 looks like a red honey gourami to me. Shops call them fancy names.

In the first post you asked if honey and flame gouramis can breed together. If flame gouramis are a colour variant of honey gourami, then yes they can breed together. But if flame gouramis are a colour variant of dwarf gouramis, then no they won't as honeys and dwarfs are different species. The fish in pic 2, which you've labelled as a flame gourami, looks like a honey colour variant, so if it is female, yes it can breed with the male in the first pic. Can breed, not will breed. That is down to the individual fish.

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