Are There Any Types Of Fish That Can Be Kept In Groups Of 3?

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Dec 31, 2012
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Are there any types of fish that can be kept in groups of 3 or will thrive in a group of 3?
Not that I know, you can have two plecs if your tank size allows it. But I think its 1 or over 5.
There are a few actually. What size tank do you have, and what's already in it?
I kept my male dwarf gourami on his own, but was told that you can also keep them in groups of 1M:2F. Gouramis can be funny so I'd do your research before taking my suggestion.
OK, I just a quick look at your profile, and the stocking stated in that.

WIth a 64l tank, 2 shoals of tetras and half a shoal of peppered cories, there isn't a huge amount of fish that you could have in addition to.

My favoured advice would be to increase the cories to 6, and you could then just about accommodate 3 male endlers.

Option 2 would be 3 male guppies but no extra cories.
Plenty of fish can be kept in a three; two females and one male usually. Platies, gouramis, plecs, all sorts really.
I'd second lock_man's advice. Overstocking is a concern, but so is having the cories in insufficient numbers. Up them to 6, then add the 3 MALE endlers. Male guppies are just so sensitive, I don't like suggesting them that hasn't already discussed liking them.

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