Are There Any Non Nippy Tetras?

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Colonel Dibble

Fish Fanatic
Oct 31, 2012
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I am looking for tetras that wont nip fins. I am getting threadfins so this may be a problem. Any advice?
Thats weird for me to read as ive got loads of tetras and no issues? X
Most tetras will be fine, especially when kept in the proper numbers.  Some can be nippy, like serpae or even skirts, but neons, cardinals, glowlights, etc. are not nippy in the least.
Most of them in my experience, if kept in the right set up and in the right numbers tend to do well. Serpae, Black Skirts, and Emperors are three I've had nip but that's about it. I've kept quite a few species over the years. My favorite will always be ember tetras though.
i have bloodfin tetras and they look cool. havent ever had any problems with nipping
I've got 8serpae tetras in my tank and never had issues with the other tank mates..........yet.
My neons have not nipped since having 10+ in numbers. When it was just 8 they nipped at each other not my other fish though.
I have 7 neons and 13 Glowlight tetras not seen one of the nip since having them.
I've got cardinals and flame tetras and had no nipping, I have some threadfin rainbows in my tank too.

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