Are Peacock Gudgeon Really Aggressive?


Fish Addict
Nov 13, 2013
Reaction score
I've been to a lfs who's gained my trust and asked the guy if he was able to get me a couple of peacock gudgeons.
He warned me that they were aggressive tho so now I'm starting to wonder if I should introduce them in my 46g aquarium..
It's heavily planted, and has room for those no problem.
I'd just have to tweak and add a few hidey places and that's it.
Mine aren't aggressive at all, at least from what I've seen :)
What else do you have in the tank?
Ninjouzata said:
Mine aren't aggressive at all, at least from what I've seen

What else do you have in the tank?
I have 1 pearl Gourami, 12 Rummy Nose Tetras, 10 Celestial Pearl Danios, 6 Corydora Pygmy, 6 Amano Shrimp and 4 Nerite Snails.
Do you have a couple or a different mix?
Thanks :D
I have two, a male & female.
They're in with spotted blue-eyes & neon tetras :)
Ninjouzata said:
I have two, a male & female.
They're in with spotted blue-eyes & neon tetras
Nice, and having any trouble getting them to eat flakes or pellets?
They eat New Life Spectrum small fish formula & I put in 1 omega one shrimp pellet. They may not have taken to them the first few days but eventually they caught on.
I havn't tried flakes with them cause I don't like using flakes. They also eat bloodworms c:
Good to know. I think I'll get some, I just rescapped my 46g and added a whole bunch of hidey holes/caves in there, looks pretty sweet :)
You should post pics! :D
I actually have a video uploaded in my Journal, but here is the link for easier access ;)
We can't really see the hidey holes, but I've seen my fishes go through them a few times already so my guess is they enjoy them :p
Now only have to get around on getting some gudgeons.
Very beautiful tank! I bet they'll love it.
Peacock Gudgeon are not aggressive at all, quite the opposite in fact. I wonder if the LFS guy was getting confused with Peacock Cichlids? Certainly worth checking with the guy when you order.
Exactly what I was thinking!
In any case, I have found another LFS that supposedly has them on site, I'm going to check them tomorrow morning and hopefully they are in fact gudgeons and not cichlids!
I really hate how LFS are clueless about the scientific names and I have to ask around with the common name.
Mixes everyone up!
Nice!!! Finally got hold of someone who knew them by their scientific name, and they are available!! yayyyy
l_l_l said:
Nice!!! Finally got hold of someone who knew them by their scientific name, and they are available!! yayyyy
Woohoo! When are you going to pick them up? :D
Tomorrow AM :D
I'm gonna post a video :)

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