Are My Fish Kissing/ Mating?


Apr 8, 2013
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Grande prairie Alberta
Well I just went to feed my fish and found my male and female kenyi doing what looks like kissing. At first I thought they were fighting but they are both being so...gentle.

I managed to get a pic, I can try to get a video if needed?

I don't think fush get the same vibe as humans do when locking jaws. It is fighting most likely. I wouldn't worry unless it gets very serious as they're just seeing who's boss. :/
I would agree with Tall Tree you offen see this in a tank until the boss is happy that everyone knows who he is...
Sorry guys, I answered this question myself already, they were intact mating, they were also sorta dancing and I found the exact thing they were doing on YouTube.
Cool! Are you gonna try to raise and sell the fry or... ?
Locking jaws like that is aggression/dominance, they also do the same dance/shimmying movement as a sign of dominance, its similar to what they do when they are spawning. Does she have a mouth full of eggs now? If not I would just assume they were fighting

How big are they? They look rather small in that pic, obviously its difficult to tell in pics but they dont look mature enough for spawning

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