Are Bettas Compatible With Chilli Rasboras


Fish Fanatic
May 26, 2012
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I have an 8 gallon (30L) and it is empty. I am considering a betta. Could I keep 6-8 chilli rasboras or ember tetras with him, or would that not work?
The Chilli raboras are quite small and likely to be food for the betta, the same applies for the Ember tetras. The rule is if it can fit in his mouth he will try and eat it. Some bigger tetras/Rasboras (eg Neon or Harlequin) would be fine :good:
Ok, thanks! Are neons or harlequins ok for an 8 gal? What other options are there in terms of shoaling fish with a betta in a tank that size?
A group of 6 would be fine. Any medium sized tetras would be fine, so would the harlequins.:good:
You don't want to get small ones because he might eat them, but you don't want to get big ones because they'll be too big for the tank

Would Lemon Tetras be suitable? I guess cardinals could be ok? Are rummies to active?

Lemons would just be OK. Cardninals would also be fine :good:
I've kept rummys in a 125 litre and a 35 litre and they're activity levels were the same in both tanks, so i'd say they would be ok
I do keep a crowntail male betta with 6 ember tetra's in a 30L and I have never had any issues with him trying to eat them or them trying to nip him. I certainly don't think they would easily fit in his mouth anyway, but then again he is on the small side.
It really depends on whether or not you want to take a risk of that happening, but then again any fish with bettas is a risk because some individuals just won't tolerate tankmates, especially in a smaller tank. Tetras especially can be hit and miss because of the risk of nipping, again more so in smaller tanks and smaller groups. Many people do consider the medium tetras unsuitable for small tanks. The general consensus for Neons for example is 10 Gallons. Just my two cents.
The chillis may be fine with a betta or they may be eaten - I saw some in a store once and they did look tiny, but they would be suitable for that tank size. I have a 28L tank with a betta but personally, I don't think I would want to put any tetras much bigger than embers in there with him, it is a pretty small space imo.
embers would work well i keep them with fighters i keep chillis with a fighter but there in a 20 gal.

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