Archers Need Info

Hello CFC,

Just goes to show how variable colours can be. I suppose this is why you need to do the fin spine count first, and then the colour patterns, and not the other way around. All jaculatrix have 4 spines, but not all fish with small dots between the big blotches are chatareus. I agree with your general observation that chatareus look 'darker'.



Mine are 100% jaculatrix, not only do they have exactly 4 spines in the dorsal ive kept 2 chatereus before (together with 3 jaculatrix) and they are a far different fish, their bodies arent as deep and their colour is much more "grey", also the bands go right into the dorsal on jaculatrix but stop short of entering the dorsal on chatereus, when viewed side by side it is very easy to see the differences.
Ok, so today I lowered the SG from approx 1.008 to 1.006. I don't want to go down more that .002 in 1 week so my bio-filter can adjust. While feeding my wife and I made an attempt to count the dorsal spines with very little success. All I can tell is that there are a lot of them, and probably more than just 4. My only concern is one of my archers looks the same in terms of anatomy but has slightly different coloration. He's a little darker and his blotches extend noticeably longer than the other fish(although, depending on mood they all start to look like him), only problem is he doesn't clear up into a beautiful fish when the others do, he always seems more greyish. Maybe he's just a nervous wreck because I don't believe he's a different species... but it does worry me. I guess like people all fish can be different in appearance. He came from the same batch of fish and is the same size.

Thanks for all the great Archer info. I'm sure this is way more information than TigerMan was expecting.

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