Aquarium Size Choices


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2013
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So long story short - I want a fish tank/s but I don't know what size to get.
I've always been interested in fish, I had axoltols, gold fish, guppies and other tropicals throughout my early teens and I made all the typical rookie mistakes. 
I do have somewhat limited space but essentially I have the space for 1 x 80cm (longways) tank and 1 x 1m tank. 
My main conundrum is that I have a Betta named Fred who is my first priority for giving a home because I was given him for my b'day and he is currently living in a very small tank at the moment - 1 gallon, no filter. Not ideal.
I wouldn't mind a Betta/tropicals community tank but Fred really limits the amount/types of other fish that I can have in the tank. So I am considering getting him his own small tank (30L?) that can go on my dresser that won't take up any actual room so that he can have his own space.
What do you guys think?
I am thinking, get a 30L tank first so that Fred has a good home and so that I can see if  I really do want to keep fish and am still interested that way if I do lose interest I won't have shelled out a huge amount. 
But then the devious side of me says no, just get a big tank. I am 20 years old and I really have zero hobbies and I need to do something other than just work. I feel like now I am an adult with my own money I owe it to myself to do something fun for once. I will admit I am really scared of the initial outlay of money, even though I do have the money to spend. 
Oh and I should also add the type of fish that I want to keep. I would like a typical tropical community tank with lots of small fish and (plants!) - guppies, platys, tetras, cories, snails, shrimp and all of that. My dream tank is some type of single cichlid such as an Oscar or Flowerhorn but I don't have room for a big enough tank.
Can anyone suggest types of fish that are fun to keep as one single big friendly fish with a lot of personality that would be okay in a 40ish gallon tank?
Sorry for so many questions, I just want to do as much research as I can before spending the $$.
Tanks are really fun I prefer the large oddball tanks, but I've always thought planted community tanks were really cool to, I have a 10 gallon planted and a 55, 75 gallon oddball tanks, it's up to you though plants require a little more effort and money.
Welcome to the hobby :)
There is usually a lot of second hand stuff around. So you could start cheap and see if u like it. Imho its not a bad idea too start small with only the betta, but this will limit your options. The second tank should be as big as you got space and can afford.
Furthermore, I would recommend to discuss your plans here before starting for real. This might safe you some trouble. E.g. many catfish love sand as substrate, but beginners tend to start with gravel and then regret it. Also there is a lot of information on here about cycling, planted tanks etc.
I'll second the second hand option. It's amazing what you can pick up, especially around now, as people have either been bought a tank that they're not sure that they want for Christmas or have upgraded and want to move on the smaller tank.
If I were you I'd definitely go with the bigger 30l tank for the betta, there's loads out there and it's a common size to find at a decent price. Otherwise there are plenty of fish that can be kept in 1m long tanks that would count as single fish with lots of personality. Hell, there are great fish that can go a lot smaller than that.
The main recommendation I have on tank size regards shape - I prefer longer to taller. Most fish swim side-to-side not up-and-down. In the big box pet stores in the US, the current 'in store' inventory involves mostly taller tanks rather than the long style. It can make it challenging to find fish that use all levels of the tank. I have had a 26 gallon / 98 litre bow front that is tall for over three years, and am currently converting to a 40 gallon standard breeder size which is shorter and longer. (36 inches long x 18 deep x 16 tall)
Thanks guys, I think I will go for the 30L for now, just to make things easier and so that I can save and plan properly for a bigger tank. Will be heading to LFS maybe thurs or fri afternoon to see what they have. Hope they will be open as I heard they got broken into :(
Raticataticus said:
Thanks guys, I think I will go for the 30L for now, just to make things easier and so that I can save and plan properly for a bigger tank. Will be heading to LFS maybe thurs or fri afternoon to see what they have. Hope they will be open as I heard they got broken into :(
Fish Robbers?! lol

Anyway, I suggest a 60L at least.. gd Luck! with both the new tank and the 'broken-into' LFS!
Well guys, I gave into temptation today and bought a 30L tank from my LFS. They had a 60L too which I almost bought and I am feeling a little bit regretful for having not bought it, I do think the 30L was the better choice as it may end up having to live on top of a dresser if I ever decide to get more tanks, which I inevitably will.
Here's a picture. I've decided to start a journal in the planted section that you can view here if you feel so inclined.

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