Aquarium Moss


Rattie tat tat
Apr 16, 2010
Reaction score
Berkshire, UK
Is aquarium moss suited too all fish? Particularly like these moss balls.

I would really like some in with my newer tank, prefer two in a corner of my tank.

Do you think that be ok? They would go with the fish in my siggy.

Not really. Some fish will eat it.

And if you did a carpet then it rules out more fish because some like cities like to feed off the bottom, and can't.

Moss ball though most should be ok if they're getting fed enough.
So, could I add one in? If I fed my fish well, I have 1 BN catfish too, that be ok? Or is it not worth bothering with?

I'm only bothering with moss balls, don't want a carpet, the floor will be sand.

Sorry about the questions?
moss balls will be fine - not only will they help keep algae down as they use up nitrates but they are also very good if you have fry at any time as they contain infusoria which the fry eat! If the moss balls you buy are too big just break them up and roll them into smaller balls - they will soon regain shape and are very slow growing!
One moss ball will be fine. I will say that I bought 4 Japanese Moss Balls at an auction about a month ago, and I paid $16 for 4! I don't know why they were so expensive, but I bought them. Also, they are very hard to get to stay where you want them. They like to move to where they want to be and stay there. ;)
Okies, thanks for this!

I will purchase 2; I have a 30ltr and an 18ltr tank, I think I will put one in each of these x
You cn buy them cheaply on Ebay. ive never had a problem with mine moving as long as they are not in a strong current from the filter!
Yeah, I got them on ebay for 89p each and a discount on shipping for buying two, which I think is a bargain price. Paying £2.80 for the lot. I called up my 2 LFS and they want £4 - £5 for two :crazy:

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