@ snazy - I believe that I have decided to use sand for my substrate considering the fact that it benefits the natural behavior of the Cory catfish. However, which type would you suggest. I attempted to look into my options, but I found most sands to be marine, Cichlid, or Beta specific. I was shocked when I searched Amazon biotope sand. Everyone suggested cleaning, and using "sand box" sand. I also read that the substrate should consist of 1.5 lbs. of substrate for each gallon of water. Is this accurate? Also, is it accurate that snails can help clean the substrate?
I know people have had good success with play sand. I currently setup a tank with playsand but this stuff is very fine. I wouldn't go more than 1" with it because in the long term you may experience problems.
If you are planting the tank, best is sand around 1mm grain size or slightly smaller, like 0.8-0.9mm if you can get it(only because of the corys) Make sure it's inert(doesn't change water stats as some contain lime for example) This type of sand is heavy enough, doesn't compact easily, doesn't float around, it's easier to plant, etc.. and the corys will still burrow into it.
I have similar stuff in 3 tanks and it's great.
Malaysian trumpet snails will help clean the sand, as they burrow into the substrate and will process uneaten stuff that falls there and may lead to problems. But they won't oxygenate the sand. Plants will.
Shrimp, like cherry shrimp are very good additions to a cory tank too and keep the bottom clean as well so you'll have no problems.