I have used this filter!
It is a great filter, I loved it though it still has a few flaws (though nothing that would put me off!)
-Lifting it from under the tank with water is very awkward as it has no handles or much to grip so easiest is digging fingers under the edges... it works but afterwards you think 'dear god that hurt!' though the kind of discomfort you have forgotten by the time you are emptying the filter...
-Play with the media, the phosphate pad was unnecessary for me but an easy fix, replaced it with another coarse foam/biomedia that doesn't need changing (save money!)
-Be *very* careful when putting the lid down after removing it
I cracked the quartz sleeve being clumsy!
-Be aware that the UV is a clarifier.. NOT a steriliser, there is a huge difference.
-The 1500u is a *big* filter, it might not fit in all cupboards, if you are unsure, ring your local MA and ask them for the measurements (to save time, you can tell them it is written in the instruction book but not on the box). Despite being a big built filter with a LOT of capacity for biomedia (I had 3 big trays of biomedia, each with a sponge on top and fourth tray had carbon and wool), biologically it can keep the filthiest tank stable... but realistically, it might not be the best on its own for seriously filthy fish like Oscars or a lot of malawis in a huge tank. The filter is actually rated for a little less than the EFX6oo without the UV and as awesome as these filters are, don't compare them to the Fluval FX5 which is ultimately a fancy pond filter and has much higher turnover.
Just remembered I had this information stashed already
1500u AquaManta
Measurements (HxLxW)
63cm x 37cm x 38cm
Max Volume: 450L
Max Head Height: 1.7 meters
Flow Rate: 1500 L/hr (inclusive of standard media)
Wattage: 55w