Aquacubic 50 Litre


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2010
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Just wondering if anyone has any experience with the Aquatlantis Aquacubic 50 litre aquarium? I'm thinking of starting up a smaller tank and want something thats going to look slightly like a piece of furniture as well. I think this looks great, but just wanted to know about the functionality as well, can't find too much online so thought I'd ask if anyone has/had one and knows what its like?

Alternately does anyone know of a really good looking aquarium around the 30-50 litre capacity?
AquaNano 40 (it's 55l; the '40' refers to the dimensions; it's a 40cm cube).

Comes with a brilliant filter that runs along the whole back of the tank and has masses of room for media; plus you put the heater in there too, keeping the tank itself free of equipment.

I've had mine a couple of months now (my very first ever 'bought from new' tank!) and love it!
I have a Juwel Vio, which is a 30 litre and looks pretty classy. I have it planted up nicely with a betta and some shrimp in there. :)
Just had a quick search online at the Aquanano 40, looks pretty smart, like the filter on the back as well, I was thinking about using a small external because I don't like the 'hang on the back' ones.

Fluttermouth you don't have any pictures around on the forum anywhere do you?
Not of that tank yet! I'll pop a couple up later :good:
Nice one, if you could get some of the filter and stuff as well that would be amazing aren't that many up online.
Here's mine; I need more plants!


Unfortunately, I can't get to the back of mine to take pics now, but here's what the filtration system looks like;


I've got extra ceramic rings in my middle section.

oh; the thing with the screws on the top left is the lighting unit, and I've got my sponge pulled up to the top, covering the slits, as I've got shrimp in there and don't want them getting sucked in!

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