Aqua Scaping Photos Please


Fish Crazy
Aug 28, 2020
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United Kingdom
So as some of you know Iā€™m collected my 90L Roma tank kit and stand for a display price in my small man cave.

Iā€™m going for pea puffers and black sand, Iā€™m wanting some inspiration if black sanded scaped designs with rocks and wood! I will also be adding plants too! But my initial idea is the first scape with wood sand and rocks! So far Iā€™m thinking dragon stone, and black sand unsure on what wood yet.

Depending on your tastes of course (and I'll not take offence if this isn't your style!!!), have you seen my video of making a 3D rock wall for your tank?
I've done several in different styles and techniques with two objectives... first is to get away from the simple plain photograph backing, and second is to find a way of hiding all the filters, heater and pump etc from view.

I beleive it's a wonderful way of creating a more interesting scape, it's a rewarding project when you see the results and makes for your own unique style for a fraction of the cost of commercially availible backgrounds.

My first was on a Jewel 70litre, and I've done two different styles on my 200 litre... have a look for some inspiration


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