Aqua One External Canister Filter


Fish Crazy
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Darlington North East
i am looking at buying one at the moment just has any one got one and what do ya think of them or its going to be used in a 120L set up thanks
I used to have a CF1000 and they are good filters, very quiet and once you work out how to prime them (cos the instructions arent great) very easy to use and great at keeping the water crystal clear.
Priming is starting the filter, externals need to be completely full of water before turning on, some have a little lever than you use to pull up and down which allows the water to be syphoned in and releasing the air before filling up fully (like a fluval), others are self priming (never had one of those) which I assume you just turn on and they do all the priming themselves and others (like aqua one) you can either fill via the top with dechlorinated water before turning on, some people actually suck the end of the pipe to get the syphon going, but I found it easier to just fill it up and switch on.

Each make of external has different ways of priming (ie starting it up), they are usually very easy to do, once you know how :) Just follow the instructions that come with the external filter.
Priming is starting the filter, externals need to be completely full of water before turning on, some have a little lever than you use to pull up and down which allows the water to be syphoned in and releasing the air before filling up fully (like a fluval), others are self priming (never had one of those) which I assume you just turn on and they do all the priming themselves and others (like aqua one) you can either fill via the top with dechlorinated water before turning on, some people actually suck the end of the pipe to get the syphon going, but I found it easier to just fill it up and switch on.

Each make of external has different ways of priming (ie starting it up), they are usually very easy to do, once you know how :) Just follow the instructions that come with the external filter.
thanks alot
Any filter, even a self priming one like my Rena, needs to fill with water before you start the pump impeller. The impeller is located at or near the top of the filter housing on any canister type filter that I have seen so the filter housing needs to be completely full before starting. The Rena is primed the first time it is set up by filling the inlet tube with a funnel and then opening the valve on the hose to let the filter fill. On my marineland, looks just like a Tetratec, the filter is primed by using a plunger mounted on top of the canister to pump some water into the filter housing and start the filling process. On my Tom Rapids mini, the filter needs to be filled through a hole in the top of the filter and then a plug put back into the fill hole.
I have an Aqua One Aquis 1200 external canister, and it seems pretty good, it is a 'manual' prime, which it recommends you do by removing the priming cap from the top of the filter, filling it with water, then recapping and starting the filter, however I find this is the long winded way - lol

The FIRST time I prime it, (ie. if my tubes are empty), I have the taps disconnected from the filter, and just open the inlet tap, suck or syring the pipe end to get the water to fill the pipe, and then quickly close the tap.
Connect everything up to the empty cannister, and then open the OUTLET tap, give it a couple of seconds then open the inlet tap, and you should see the water then syphon out of the tank, into the cannister, give it a few moments and the cannister will fill, the outlet pipe will fill and then you can switch on. Like all cannisters you might need to give it a little jiggle to remove slight airlocks, but the above seems to be the simplest method to me :)
I have an Aqua One Aquis 1200 external canister, and it seems pretty good, it is a 'manual' prime, which it recommends you do by removing the priming cap from the top of the filter, filling it with water, then recapping and starting the filter, however I find this is the long winded way - lol

The FIRST time I prime it, (ie. if my tubes are empty), I have the taps disconnected from the filter, and just open the inlet tap, suck or syring the pipe end to get the water to fill the pipe, and then quickly close the tap.
Connect everything up to the empty cannister, and then open the OUTLET tap, give it a couple of seconds then open the inlet tap, and you should see the water then syphon out of the tank, into the cannister, give it a few moments and the cannister will fill, the outlet pipe will fill and then you can switch on. Like all cannisters you might need to give it a little jiggle to remove slight airlocks, but the above seems to be the simplest method to me :)
thanks alot

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