Aqua One Aquanano 40

I would say yes. The main enemies of CRS is warm water and usual ammonia spikes in the water. At 51L the water would be stable and be able to stay around 22-24 degrees.
They are lovely tanks, I have the smaller one for a betta :)

You won't be disappointed!
With this one of course the filter and heater WILL be visible - however in the other one its all at the back of the tank behind the black glass screen.

If you don't mind that then go ahead :)

Shrimps do like getting into/near/behind filters as I found out this weekend when I had one running around the bucket!

Just thought it would avoid that happening to you.
Every time I clean out my filters I find a bunch of crs running around inside! I just plop them back in the tank ...
I'e had a few CRS jump through the cut out gap in the lid and end up on the carpet. If you cover that up then i would say yes :)
I'd be a little worried about your water quality if they're actually jumping out. I've never had one do that.
scotty said:
scotty said:
i am now actually thinking about this one,as my pets at home are doing the tank and stand for £99
Hope I am not too late to advise you, but I would go with your first choice as it is a cleaner looking aquarium.  My friends have the second one and it drips down the back when you lift the lid.  We also had some issues with placing hardware where we wanted it, as the lid is fixed and the hinges were restrictive in running cables along the back.
I have this tank , looks very beautiful. However i have just done a water change and noticed i had around 30 baby shrimp living in the filter media and about 20 swimming around the back where the heater and carbon sit where i have no way of getting to them. I would recommend covering the holes to the filter media to avoid this if you plan to breed shrimp in this tank.

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