Aqua A850 And Beech Cabinet


Sep 13, 2010
Reaction score
Item:Aqua One Silver Tank and Beech Cabinet
ConditionGreat condition, No cabinet damage and only a couple of very slight scratch marks on the bottom of the tank. These have to be looked for. The tank however has a DIY '3d' background siliconed to it. I will happily rip this out and keep it myself if it is not wanted but it does look fantastic imo and saves purchasing another much more costly background.
Reason for Sale: I want to upgrade to a 4ft
Delivery or Collection: Delivery. Could perhaps offer local delivery at a cost to the buyer. This would need to be arranged in plenty of time however.
Sales price: £160ono
Location: Birmingham

This is for the tank, cabinet and inbuilt filter only. If you want fish (Golden Gourami, Angels, Kribensis or Malawi) This could be arranged.

Is this still for sale?

If so, how much without the cabinet?

What are the dimentions?

I know someone that might want it. :) & youre not far from her in Brum. :)
Sorry for the late reply.

I wouldn't split, sorry.

Still available though.

Now includes External Fluval 205 filter and will throw in some play sand substrate and filter floss.
Hi, does it come with lighting and is the stand in good condition ?

Currently have a 4ft Clear Seal with a craftsman made walnut unit which doesn't suit our lounge now and thinking of going a little smaller.
As in the first post - No cabinet damage - Looks great.

Lighting is included - 2 of three bulbs fully functional - The third (middle bulb) has just gone so will need replacing.

It really is a fantastic tank - Only reason I'm getting rid is because I want a larger tank - I'd be happy to keep it if the Mother would let me put it in the living room :hey:
Sorry for late reply.

I'm looking at an Aqua One 980 on Saturday but your 850 does seem in better condition so will let you know.

What part of B'ham are you in ? as i'm only in Evesham, Worc's
Now includes heater and external fluval 205 filter with brand new filter floss.
Can't believe this hasn't sold yet. Been messed around a lot.

Will go on eBay soon.

Any takers?

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