Apple Snail Ban


Fish Crazy
Jul 30, 2012
Reaction score
Liverpool, England
Apple snail have now been banned from sale in shops in the EU due to wild populations being found. So any apple snails you see in the shops will be the last.
full story:
I might breed some and sell them just to stick it to 'em. Absolute joke they are banned in the UK where they can't even survive.
I might breed some and sell them just to stick it to 'em. Absolute joke they are banned in the UK where they can't even survive.
I agree I know the UK is part of the EU but its not like there going to get themselves all the way to Spain!
i saw these in my local aquatics shop yesterday! was going to get one, wish i had now!! hope they still have them in a few weeks :(
Im going to go out and buy a few more. I have 3 in my tank at the moment, so if we have them can we class them as a rare breed lol. Might try breeding some and like you say sell them on just to stick it to them.
Oh no!

I've got a few babies in my tank. Was looking at a few adults the other day but didn't buy them. I might go back for them now!
To all members we are aware that there will be a lot of upset over the recent changes to EU laws governing the keeping/ breeding and future selling of Apple Snails, while your views on this topic are relevent and respected, The Tropicial Fish Forum can not condone or allow blantant flaunting of such laws. We would also like to take this opportunity to remind all members that it is each and every pet owners responsibility to learn and adhere to the laws relevent to their state and or country.
Thank you.
I realise I'm bumping an old thread here.

Here's my situation:
I've got 9 baby apple snails in my tank, which I'm looking to upgrade to marine at some point in the coming months. The current inhabitants of the tank, including the apple snails, have obviously got to go to a new home. I've had trouble finding the text of the actual law available online and have only found articles talking about it, none of which solve my problem. I don't want to break the law, so what can I do with my apple snails?
The law doesn't actually prevent you rehoming them and probably wont stop you selling them. The way the law is worded, it is that businesses can no longer import or sell apple snails with the ultimate conclusion that over time, the species will die out in this country. However they dont appear to have taken into consideration the trade of them outside of a business...

Not yet anyway, I have no doubt that if people deliberately try to get around the ban, that the law will end up being revised and might possibly end up as a ban on even owning the species...

But in your case, there is no reason as to why you couldnt just sell them or rehome them, so long as it isnt via a shop or the forums (we cant be seen to encourage the sale of apple snails in an attempt to bypass the law).
Yes, there are a lot.

You can keep assassins, even if you don't have pest snails; they're very attractive and will live on meaty fish food/shrimp pellets, things like that.

Zebra nerites come in a lot of different colours and patterns, and their eggs won't hatch (or the babies don't survive, I can't remember which) in freshwater, so you won't get overrun with those either.

There are 'tylo' snails as well; I don't know much about them but they're nice looking and don't breed to madly, as far as I know.

There's probably a lot more; have a look on Kesgrave Tropical's page on ebay, they're normally very good on invertebrates.
Fast forward genetic engineering 100 years and the same law makers wont know whats hit them.

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