So today I took a pair of apistos off my friends hands and put them in my 30g. Sadly my fat opaline gourami. Attacked one of them a few hours after I put them in while trying to do a small feeding. So I might be switching them to my 20g as I have a little room, my question is will this work.
2 apistogrammas in a 20g with 5 cardinal tetras, 5 sterbai corydoras. Thanks for your responses, the tank has Ben running for a long time and is well filtered with lots of dw and plants. Ph is 7.0 and the water is moderately hard which I'm also concerned about as my 30g is much more acidic.
2 apistogrammas in a 20g with 5 cardinal tetras, 5 sterbai corydoras. Thanks for your responses, the tank has Ben running for a long time and is well filtered with lots of dw and plants. Ph is 7.0 and the water is moderately hard which I'm also concerned about as my 30g is much more acidic.