Apistogramma Agassizii


Fish Fanatic
Dec 30, 2011
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Hi guys,

I would like to add 1m 3f Apistogramma agassizii to my tank, are they compatible with my current stock?

3x Hypancistrus zebra
6x Corydoras sterbai
16x Cardinal Tetra
3x Cherry Shrimp

80 x 35 x 45cm 125l
pH 6.5

We saw them today in flame red at the Abyss and they are beautiful :blush:
This is my tank


Should be fine, although they'll get a little territorial when breeding.

28 degrees is pretty warm, is that for the zebras? I'd probably lower it to about 26 if it were me.
The temperature was for the German Blue Rams, unfortunately these sadly passed away.
Watch the cories with them. Some apistos can take a dislike to them, although it's not definitely out.
26 would be a much better temp all around for the fish you have. Setup looks great!
Mine are fine with cories (and all other fish) - they just don't like my dwarf gouramis too much!
They might pick your Cherries off :/

I know when Caz had some they soon relieved her of a fair few of her Cherries.
Ah yeah, missed the cherries. They'll certainly munch on any babies, and possibly the adults too. Mine were OK with Amano shrimp when I had them, will probably depend a bit on the individual fish though.
Thanks for all your replies! I've started turning down the temperature today, will do half a degree every 24hrs until it's at 26.

I've ordered some plants from The Green Machine, hopefully these will arrive in a few days and we can get the tank ready for the new fish until next weekend.

Not sure whether to add them straight to my existing tank or whether to quarantine them though (I have read 30 days is recommended), however we would need to set up a QT tank first...
omg. Don't get me started on QT tanks.

{I brought home Fish TB, when I bought my Apistos and now have to scrub all of my tanks with bleach, euthanize over 50 fish, and take a harsh course of anitbiotics for up to 6 months}

I'll be the forums biggest advocate on Quarantine.
Oh well, on the back of that think I personally will look at a quarantine tank!!!
Thanks for the tip!!
Hope you tore a strip off wherever you got your apisto from too!!!
Have bought a harem of Apistos (1 male & 3 females) at the Abyss today :wub:

The temperature is now at 26°C and the new plants should be arriving next week. Will get some pics up once they're planted.
Have bought a harem of Apistos (1 male & 3 females) at the Abyss today :wub:

The temperature is now at 26°C and the new plants should be arriving next week. Will get some pics up once they're planted.
Pics ?

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